
“Midnight Cry”

Given by Terry Lanham


For the promises that I’ve given I’ve stood by. You’ve seen me do it time and time again. The Word that I’ve given you and shown you, had it not come to pass? Have I not stood by it? And I tell you this I am showing the world and I am pouring out my patience and my compassion upon this Earth. And I am pouring out my patience and my compassion upon this Earth. And I am say I am doing exactly what I said I would do. And I am showing myself to be strong. Yea even those who haven’t come to me yet know know what days they live in. Oh the day is coming, the day is coming when I will say go. And when I say go oh see I’m not slack concerning my promises as people think of slackness but I am patient for the harvest. But the day is coming, the day is coming, the day is coming, the day is coming. Jesus is coming soon. Prepare your house. Get your house in order. Jesus is coming soon. Don’t be slack. Don’t grow weary. Now is the day. Now is the time, saith the Lord. He’s coming and he’s coming quickly.