
2 and 3 John

Pastor Terry Lanham


He's been faithful to me. He's been faithful to my wife. He's faithful to our children, to our grandchildren. He's faithful to this church, to this ministry.

That's just who He is. He's worthy to be praised. Never changing. Hallelujah.

He is so holy and faithful that when we speak His Word. He watches over the words of our mouth to perform it. To see it to come to pass. So don't grow weary in well doing. Don't give up on the brink of a miracle. Hallelujah. Put your trust, your patience in Him. Hallelujah. Don't think it's strange that demonic activities turned up in these days. Oh, but God ain't through. I was looking over there where Paul, he was really setting the Corinthians up to correct them. And he really did after he got through talking to them about what he had been through. He shared with them how he was caught away. Heard things that weren't lawful to repeat, he said.

And he said Satan sent a messenger. Well, who would that be? It's just a devil, demon. To buffet him. It was sent to him because of the level of revelation that he was beginning to walk in. He said he went to God about it three times. To get this thing off me. And we find one of the most powerful scriptures in the Bible was God's answer to Paul's cry for help. He said, my grace is sufficient for you. In your weaknesses when you're the strongest.

What does that mean? It means the battle belongs to the Lord. It belongs to the Lord. And he's already won. Hallelujah. Let's keep our heads on straight.

Let's keep the Word of God in our mouth continually, faithfully.