
“Flowing In the Body”

Given by Terry Lanham


I am looking to and fro over this earth for who I can show myself strong and mighty through. We've heard that this morning already, haven't we? Looking, looking, looking, looking. Oh, as you see the darkness here and the darkness there, I am bringing light. I am bringing light. Will you come with me? Will you allow me to work through you? I'm looking for people that I can show myself mighty through. Are you one? I'll use you. I'll use you. It's not based on your work. It's based on your willingness. It's based on your willingness. He'll get all the glory. He'll get all the glory. He'll get all the glory. Oh, He wants to use us. He wants to work through us. No one exempt. No one exempt. Everybody's bringing something to the body. Everybody's bringing something to the body. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. He wants to use you. Hallelujah. He wants to use you. Just got to be willing. It's not based on your strength. It's not based on your power. It's based on the works that had already been completed in Christ Jesus. You have to be a willing vessel to let Him flow through you. He asked me a question several months back, and he said, I would like to... I would like for the gift of miracles to begin to work in the church. And he said, are you willing? He asked me that question. Are you willing? And my answer was yes. Hallelujah. And think it not strange. Now, this has been going on since we all got here this morning. Think it not strange. We said this earlier in the circle up here. Think it not strange that in the end times, the Bible says that they're perilous times. That word perilous absolutely describes demonic behavior, demonic activity. So don't think it strange that angelic activity... take a step up...that the angels aren't moving and working and we're seeing things. We're seeing things like a pregnant woman in a car wreck and the airbags didn't go off. Malfunction, they said. Hallelujah. The angels, your angel assigned to you from the foundations of the world is beholding the face of our God. And He has charged them, He has charged them to watch over you, to minister to you, to protect you lest you dash your foot at a stone.

He has saved us all from certain death. Hallelujah. Are we willing? Are we willing to just say yes? Are we willing to take our place in the body? Hallelujah. Glory to God. If I put my hand on the plow, will you put your hand on there with me? If we take a step in the direction the Lord tells us to go, will you take that step with me? We're one in Christ Jesus. The love of God compels me to share this. Oh, that we're growing up into the head. We're growing up into Christ. We're growing up into the full stature of Him.

Hallelujah. Glory to God. His eyes, His eyes, Marlene, that's what you said this morning. His eyes are looking to and fro, to and fro over all the earth.

Nothing hid from our God. He's looking. He's looking. He's looking. He's looking. He's looking for someone that He can show Himself mighty through. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah. I'm on board. I'm on board. Thank you, Jesus.