
“Wheat-Tares and Chaff”

Given by Terry Lanham


My Spirit is being poured out upon all the flesh, on you, and upon your sons, upon your daughters. I’m shining my Light into the Word that I’ve given you. You’ll have revelation like you’ve never had before. It’s time. It’s time, but now let me tell you this that which I show you, you must do something with it. You can’t just hear what I’m doing in these end days and not do something about it. You can’t just take what I’m showing you in these times and not do something with it. Don’t allow yourselves to be deceived by hearing my Word, seeing me move, feeling my presence. It’s being poured out to the four corners of this Earth. But you gotta do something with it. Be a doer of my Word not a hearer only. Be a doer. Be a doer. Be a doer. Be a doer. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah.