August 27, 2023 Larry Brown


“Blessed Are the Peacemakers”

Given by Larry Brown


Be still in your heart even now. I’ll impart all you need, your supply, a fresh anointing coming from my. For I desire that you be full, full of my presence full. So receive. I anoint with fresh oil to replenish you from your toil. New wine, fresh divine, receive, receive. Just believe that I will fill. For it’s my desire, it’s my will. For my Word says, be ye being filled. Be ye being filled. Be ye being filled. Do not run on an empty supply. Look to me and receive all that I have for you. For these corporate times, this corporate anointing. These are times in which I am appointing, a greater supply of my Spirit in you. A greater manifestation to come forth from you. So receive drink, drink, drink, drink of my presence, drink of the living waters, drink to the full and let it overflow and flow from you unto those in your community and your workplace and your home. As I pour it out to you from my eternal throne. And know that you are not, you are not ever alone. For I dwell within each child, each one that is mine. I am in you and my Spirit was imparted in you to remain and to abide on the inside of you forever. So you’re never alone. You’re never alone and I see every detail of your life from my throne. Understand, remember, know that you’re never alone.